Friday, October 2, 2009

Four limb buds, a twitch and a flicker

Nine weeks.

There's not much to see in a nine week ultrasound: a fetus-shaped blob that moved on its own, had a flickering heartbeat, measured on calculation, and was growing some limbs. It's only nine weeks, so we're not entirely in the clear, but it's looking more and more likely that come next May, we'll have another person in this teeny tiny home.

And I am just. so. tired.

The tiredness is making it kind of hard to be terribly excited. Trying to keep up with work and a three year old and a home, and you know, growing a whole new human, means there's just not much energy left over for excitement.

But I am. I am very, very hopeful, very glad, and very very grateful for being so lucky.

It's a baby. A real baby, and it's ours, and it's looking healthy and hale and in seven more months, we'll very likely have a beautiful new addition to our family.

yay. :)


JS said...

Good for you! Congrats!

You are a far braver woman than I, so I tip my hat. :D

AvenSarah said...

Oh, congratulations! That's wonderful news. May you regain some energy soon... I well remember that feeling of utter, utter exhaustion; it was hard enough to manage without any small people running around!

Since this is -- essentially -- an anonymous spot for me, I can share the fact that I'm hoping we'll be able to start trying for another of our own this winter... if minor details like jobs, life, etc. will allow!

Again, many congratulations, and good luck!

erin said...

Here I am, reading blogs in the middle of the night, and OH MY GOD!!! Congratulations! I'm so excited for you! (I'm going to be a self-proclaimed Internet auntie all over again, yay!)

wealhtheow said...


(I mean, this is not news to me, but YAY!!!!)

Feel free to send some of those baby-growing vibes over this way ;^)