Monday, April 5, 2010

At last, an article on babies that doesn't entirely blame mom

I like this article, but mostly because -- granted, if you read ALL the way to the end -- it says that we shouldn't blame the MOM for all of this, because better policies (and, one might suppose, mat leave in the US) are needed before this can succeed.

I'm just plain old relieved that someone decided that they needed to add that point. It's not your fault that you can't breastfeed for six months if you have to go back to work mere weeks or months later and there's no place for you to pump (or even if there is, pumping sucks.)

While I'm at it I'd just like to give thanks to whoever is was in the federal government who many years ago extended my own leave to a year. Because it means I can do this without much extra effort on my part (provided this new baby is a good nurser like the last one). And while I like doing this and the health benefits are just an added bonus as far as I'm concerned, I am still grateful to have this leave.

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