Sunday, April 25, 2010

I might be nesting

A sudden burst of energy has had me clean out the toys in my son's room, re-organize boxes of baby things, find a basket for baby toys, and FINALLY clean out the basket o'crap that we have in the living room (parenting tip: it's helpful to have a basket of some kind in the living room designated the basket of crap, into which you throw all kinds of small cars, lego pieces, puzzle pieces, and random small toys that belong somewhere else. It makes a quick clean nice and quick, and you can go back and sort later. Also when your son asks where X is, tell him to search the basket, as it's often there. It saves my sanity.)

I've also done all the laundry in the house, sheets and towels included, and cleaned the kitchen.

If I start scrubbing the walls, we'll know the baby is imminent.

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