Saturday, April 17, 2010

Waiting waiting waiting

I never got to the any day now stage of pregnancy last time. By the time it was safe for The Boy to be born ... er, he was. It's kind of a strange feeling, sitting here, knowing that it could happen any second now -- or not for three weeks of course.

My gut feeling is that it isn't going to happen soon. I don't know why this is. I don't have the "I'm going to pop" feeling that I had with the last one. I don't have the "I can't go on" feeling or even just the "God, I'm enormous" feeling.

But then again, I think I felt those things last time mostly because I was so swollen and heavy, and I'm not this time, and so maybe I'm totally ready, and I just don't really know it. I had thought that swelling up was a necessary precursor to labour, but either that's not true or this baby is going to stick around for several more months.


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