Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

Last weekend I had the foresight to go to the local chocolate store and buy Easter eggs for my child, because clearly other than going to hospital I haven't been going anywhere this week. Last night before bed I got them out and hid them around the house.

This morning, despite repeat reminders this week and yesterday about what was going to happen today, my kid still had to be reminded about what day it was. But then he was perfectly happy to run about the house searching for foiled eggs -- we had to point out most of them, though. He's perfectly capable of counting them and even doing intricate sums (for a four year old) with them but finding them is still difficult. I guess this is what they call asynchronous development.

Thursday afternoon and Friday were good days for le bebe (well, let's face it, it's not really the baby we're so worried about, it's the over-eager uterus) and I got up and did chores around the house, because I really can't stand having a kitchen that's only barely tolerable, and I paid for it yesterday with not only lots and lots of braxton hicks contractions whenever I stood up, but back pain, lower abdominal pressure, and the occasional menstrual-like cramp which as I recall was exactly what labour felt like last time. So today after getting the kid going on the egg hunt and starting off breakfast I'm back lying down. Fun. According to the internet (which I realize is not the most accurate source, but it gives a survey, at least) it seems that babies born at 36 weeks spend very little time in the NICU, but babies at 35 weeks vary greatly -- some spend a week or more, some spend no time at all.

The Man and I were discussing symptoms last night before bed and I joked we'd probably be having this same conversation in two weeks, wondering when the baby would come, now that we're being so cautious, and he laughed and said actually it sounded like we were going to have an Easter baby. I think we should establish a bet, and the loser has to change those first dirty diapers. Heh.

1 comment:

Soja said...

Hang in there! Glad you are at home for easter egg hunting. I think I was born 4 weeks early, bit of jaundice but no problems. My youngest sister was the only one of us born late, and the only one who had to be in intensive care, but all ok. I had better get to making those pyjamas.....:-)