Monday, April 26, 2010

The Energizer Boy

Yesterday I don't think that my kid stopped talking from the moment he woke up at 6:30 or so until he conked out almost mid-sentence at 8:30 at night. He certainly didn't stop moving from the moment he got out of bed until the same time. The Man and I are astounded that he has that much energy. How is any adult supposed to keep up with that? We did the best we could, but both of us collapsed onto the couch once he finally fell asleep, and the remnant dishes from last night's excellent dinner are still cluttering the kitchen.

Since I have a data point of one, I don't know if this is normal or not; it is what it is. He's not hyperactive per se, he concentrates well on each activity, and can spend great amounts of time with me playing a game or making structures, it's just that his mind never stops moving from one thing to another. Being bored is, already, a horrifying thing to him. He can't lie in bed until a decent hour because it's boring; he doesn't want to lie still to go to sleep because it's boring.

Unfortunately for him, I think learning how to be bored is going to be a vital life skill.

Right now, after breakfast, he is sitting in his chair playing with my iPhone. He chats as he does it, tells me what he's doing and discovering, and his little legs are moving moving moving under the table. For me, first thing in the morning, it's too much stimulus to cope with, and I have to tune much of it out so that I can retain my sanity.

And now he's off, for more adventures. Thank heavens it's Monday, and he can run about the daycare all day, finding toy after toy and never once being bored.

1 comment:

AvenSarah said...

Eric's a lot like that--the only time he seems to stop talking is when he's asleep, and (sometimes) when he's watching tv. It's one of the reasons I value the tv, actually--it slows him down. He hates sitting or lying still, unless he's very very tired, and he talks and talks and talks, either to us or to himself. I don't know if he's like that at daycare, but it can be very exhausting at home, especially if I'm already tired, as I usually am. And no, I don't think it's hyperactivity--he's perfectly able to focus, in fact he can get a little too focussed sometimes; but he just usually keeps up a running monologue as he does everything. And goes everywhere at a run, not a walk.
It's particularly baffling because he eats so little I can't figure out where the energy can possibly come from!