Wednesday, April 7, 2010

When the midwife first said "bedrest" I admit that I wasn't terribly perturbed. The idea of spending some time by myself with my feet up didn't sound too bad. Of course as the news got out to friends, I heard a lot of gasps and "Are you going CRAZY yet?" And I said no, I'm keeping busy. And I am, after all -- I have work to do, I have a good book or two (or a million), I have knitting and there's always the internet. Add to this I'm an introvert and not a terribly active person, so being forced to be a couch potato on my own ... sounds not too bad!

But here we are closing in on two weeks of this, in which my interactions have been limited to my partner, my four year old, my midwife and the nurse at the hospital who did the non-stress test ... with whom I had lots of conversation, which for me is unusual. And I find myself draggy and bored despite everything, and I think ... I need to get out. Oh. Do I. Maybe I'm becoming less introverted, or appreciating just short walks, but MAN, do I ever need this.

I went and picked up the kiddo at the daycare today, first time in a week and a half, and felt absolutely energized by the interactions with parents. Conversation! True, it was all about the baby and bedrest, but God it was nice.

So yes, I think it's true. I AM getting a little crazy.

One more week, says the midwife. One more week. As of the 14th, I'm officially 37 weeks and if I show up at the hospital in labour, no one will blink twice. I'm counting on it.

Right now, even a month more of pregnancy seems do-able if I can Just. Go. Outside.

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