Thursday, February 11, 2010

All done

And amazingly, I didn't feel nearly as bad as I feared I would (or as I read might happen on teh intarwebs. I should probably stop searching for other people's experiences of such things. People hardly ever sit back and write "I had that test and it really wasn't a big deal!")

But here you go: I had that test, and it really wasn't a big deal!

(For anyone arriving here searching for it, it was the three hour glucose screen for gestational diabetes.)

The drink was in fact sweeter (ugh! double ugh! especially after fasting!) and I did have to sit around for three freaking hours in the waiting room of a lab (fun!) but I had an iPhone and a book and didn't get too bored. (The iPhone: never be bored again!)

I spent actually less time than I anticipated fantasizing about what I would eat for lunch, and less time feeling hungry. I'd like to think that my moratorium on any sugar this week helped out to regulate my blood sugar levels, not to mention the fact that the Freaking Olympics mean that I can't park anywhere near my office and thus I have been waddling slowly for 15 to 20 minutes each way to and from my car each day. (Along with lunch time jaunts should the ligaments / braxton hicks allow.)

Of course I did come home and eat a piece of toast and honey (among other things), so ... sugar. But it could have been worse.

I could have come home and downed the ice cream in the freezer.

(Which is still tempting, by the way.)

Anyway. Results should be in Monday, so we shall see.

Interestingly the baby had a major kick fest throughout the morning -- way more active than normal. I'd like to think s/he was also missing the sugar. Probably not the way I was, though.

I have to admit I've always had a pretty bad relationship with sugar. I do tend to get into these habits of indulging myself at work / in the evenings, and once I get into it, it's very hard to stop. I blame the Christmas baking -- I started eating WAY more sugar than normal, and then for the past month have been eating well all morning and indulging all afternoon and having ice cream in the evenings. And I've been CRAVING it. Just like I do while not pregnant. And I've found (while not pregnant) that I have to quit cold turkey for two to three days before the physical craving will lessen (and those days suck!). And that's what happened this time, and now I'm back to my normal level of sugar craving. I know there are tons of books out there that suggest that refined sugar is The Enemy, and while I'm not going to completely endorse this view, I can say from my own experience that it is for me rather addictive.

All this to say that I hope very much that my overindulgence was responsible for my borderline positive result.

And to say that, knowing that, I'd like to think that I'll be a bit more cautious in future. Not just for another three months, but for the foreseeable future. I don't think I'll be able to give up treats. But more attention to moderation might be good.

(She says now, while awaiting results of the test. Ask me again when I have a small baby and a preschooler alone for days on end and the best way to get through it is through vast quantities of chocolate ... )

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