Wednesday, February 17, 2010


I am watching Olympics today, the women's downhill, and -- sorry if this is a spoiler -- can hardly keep my eyes on it given that this sport has morphed from skiing to "Massive Wipe Outs on Snow". It's horrifying!! So far I haven't seen any skiier not be able to get up again afterwards, so no one seems permanently damaged, but I imagine the bruises tomorrow will be absolutely frightening.


wealhtheow said...

The figure skating has been like that, too. I'm waiting for someone to have the following revolutionary thought about figure skating: Maybe it's better to do a really good job on the jumps I know I can do than to fall on my ass attempting the ZOMG AWESOME jump that I've never been able to pull off before.

erin said...

Damn, you were not kidding. I just finished watching downhill (and I cried watching Lindsey Vonn cry, I'm such a tool) and the crashes! The horrific crashes! It was like watching them crash onto concrete. Awful.