Thursday, February 11, 2010

In other news ...

I recently returned from a meet-n-greet with the doula / acupuncturist, and have "hired" her on the spot. Well. After the hour we spent over tea. Turns out this whole combination of professions is a new one, there are only three people doing this in Vancouver (all working for the same practice, of course). No wonder I hadn't heard of it before, with the last one. Anyway, she was very nice and professional yet warm, and we had a good chat (although it was disconcerting to sit with someone over tea, talking all about me. Disconcerting because I felt that the conversation was strangely one-sided, but at the same time it felt a little strange to ask someone I was "hiring" as a medical practitioner about her own daughter.)

Anyway. I'm excited about this. And hopeful that this time the birth will be a little calmer and a little less medical. I mean, I admit I'm fully prepared to go the full medical route with caesarean if needs be, but I hoping that a few preparations might flip the balance towards natural birth. You never know, right? It never hurts to get a few cards in your corner. They may not be the right cards, but having cards is better than not.

Ok, weird metaphors aside: hiring doula = good. We'll see if it has any effect whatsoever on this whole process!