Monday, February 15, 2010

With bated breath

I am waiting for the call from the midwife. True enough, she didn't call until the end of the day with the bad news last time, which is a good 1.5-2 hours from now. I remember it precisely because I had to parse what she was saying while getting my work things and preschooler out of the car, shutting the door with my hands full while still holding the phone to my ear, locking the car, and trying to respond to my child all at the same time. And of course I was all "what? Seriously? What the hell? Me?" Not my finest multitasking hour.

The midwives have a "no news is good news" policy meaning that they won't call at all if the results are negative, which will (of course) leave me wondering if perhaps it IS positive but they just didn't get a chance to call. Although I suspect they would make an concerted effort to tell someone they had diabetes so the de-sugaring can commence as soon as possible.

Of course I am also rather tempted to spend the next hour running down the battery to 0 on my cell so that I can finish the cheesecake in peace tonight. Just one more day of ignorant bliss! one more!!

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