Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Living it up

For the first time in ... I don't know how many years ... I switched the blog template. Yessirree, that's me: living it up with a new template. I don't know if we can all handle the excitement.

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My kid, the other morning, as we were driving about going about our day, noticed that one of the busses had a little cartoon man holding a Canadian flag on it. It is of course advertising someone's spirit of the Olympics, which he sussed out, but he was most excited about the flag. He's been loving atlasses since he was a wee tyke (it was one of the first books he read. A wee almost two year old gleefully pointing out "Zimbabwe!" Very trippy.) and knows he's Canadian and know our flag, etc. I said something about how the man must be Canadian, and he's cheering for Canada in the Olympics, and he paused thoughtfully and replied:

"No, I think he's actually Italian, and he just thinks he's Canadian."

I had no idea what to say to that. How the heck do these thoughts get into his head? Where does this come from? What on earth would have prompted the Italian reference, for pete's sake? Are there many Italians masquerading as Canadians in his daycare? Because that's the only place he gets to go without me or his dad.

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He's also gotten into this new fun game of "what if". "What if we drove past that car? What if the car hit us? What if we got hurt? What if we bumped into that tree?" and then sometimes "What if we went to the moon? What if a bad guy was there? What if he had a laser? What if ... "

I could go on, but I'm pretty sure I've made my point.

This afternoon's questions (I might add he does this the entire commute home. I am now more than ever glad that our commute is only ten to fifteen minutes.) had something to do with bad guys and ... God, I don't even know. Volcanos. "What if we saw a volcano? What if it was erupting? What if there was a volcano in Vancouver?"

We eventually got around to the fact that volcanos DO exist, and we CAN see them, and even see them erupting in some parts of the world, and that volcanos used to exist near Vancouver, but they ... er ... ran out of lava (can you blame me for not wanting to get into tectonic plate movement while fighting rush hour traffic? Really?)

After passing quickly through jungles with no seasons where leaves don't fall off trees, and the seasons of the earth and travelling to hot places, we then started on going underground, and to the centre of the earth, where it is hot, because of all the lava. "What if we went underground to the centre of the earth?" And I explained that because of all the lava, it was very hot underneath the earth, at the centre of it all.

"Guess we'll have to stay inside the drill," he replied thoughtfully.


1 comment:

wealhtheow said...


You have the funniest. kid. ever.