Sunday, February 7, 2010

Yesterday our child went for a four-hour playdate in the afternoon. He arrived home at 5, and then had a major meltdown over dinner. He and I went into the bedroom to calm down, and cuddled for a few minutes while he stopped sobbing, and then he pushed me away and rolled over. After less than five minutes I thought .... hmmmm. He's awfully still.

He was completely zonked. At 5 minutes to 6.

Which only left us with one problem: what the heck time would he wake up if went to sleep two hours ahead of normal?

And frankly, one other: what the heck would we do, the two of us, for two more hours in an evening than we usually get? It was actually rather confusing. I had time to watch a movie! But ... which one? And ... how?

Yes, our lives are full of problems.

Anyway in fine form he slept until 5:45 this morning, which is frankly better than I expected. And since it was Sunday and my day to sleep in, The Man got up at 6 and I slept for another two blissful hours.

So far (for me, anyway) it's been a great day.

* * * * * * * *

Oh, except for that whole pubic symphysis diastasis thing. Yeah, did I mention? Seems that between the relaxin of pregnancy and my inherent tendency towards loose joints, and this second pregnancy, my hip bones have decided they no longer need to be quite so close to each other. Now truth be told I don't think I have it as bad as some women, but I have now found that sitting / lying / standing too long in any one position means AGONY when I try to move my legs again. Seriously, at one point last night I didn't think I was going to be able to get out of bed again.

It is this way that this pregnancy is very similar to the last one: I had no major complications, but a whole host of small ones, meaning that I spent a great deal of the time just .... uncomfortable. You know? Nothing really to complain about, because goodness knows so many people have it worse, and really, don't complain about problems in pregnancy unless your life or your child's is in danger at all ... but still. Between this and the early contractions and the possible diet issues, there's just one small thing after another.

But I am not complaining. I am merely writing this down in case I get the urge to procreate again.

I am, however, greatly amused by the problem that poses itself: if I'm supposed to get 3o minutes of good exercise each day to stabilize my blood sugar levels, but those 30 minutes of exercise are a.) agonizing and b.) cause my uterus to contract, exactly how am I to accomplish this? I mean, the slower I go, the less I contract, but I think walking the length of the block at a snail's pace for 30 minutes might not have the blood sugar levelling effect I'm searching for.

Ah well. Again. You just have to laugh.

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