Friday, January 29, 2010


I'm having one of those days where I think if it were humanly possible I'd spit nails. I'm not sure what it is, exactly -- I'd like to list a whole bunch of things that are bothering me, but the truth is that if it weren't for ME being a grump, none of these things would be a real problem. So instead of dwelling on the bad things, I figure that I should just concentrate on the good things in my life and see if I can get the grumps to go away. So here goes!

1. I have great people in my life. My kid, who started off this morning saying "I love you SO MUCH mommy". And my partner, who gamely got out of bed despite a late night and helped with breakfast, lunch, and house tidying.

2. Other great people: my colleagues, who are genuinely nice people; my parents, who give me much love and support; my friends, here and far away.

3. My work, which while not terribly stimulating these days, is still a good gig with lots of good things going for it, and helps keep my family clothed, sheltered, fed, and healthy.

4. The baby, who kicked me hard in the ribs this morning. For being here, being still content where he / she is, for showing off his / her soccer prowess. 10 more weeks 'til you're allowed out, kid!

5. It's not raining, and there's actual blue sky out there. It's also ten degrees and more signs of flowers are appearing every day (they are HELICOPTERING IN SNOW to the North Shore Olympic site. No kidding. They are going to use helicopters to get the snow from the nearby mountains and dump it on the Olympic site. Where it can slowly melt over the course of the day, and then crystallize, making a snow-covered site that's roughly as soft and malleable as cement. HOOOOO-WHEEEE it will be fun to watch all the horrible injuries that come from snowboarding in such stiff stuff. I'm no snowboarder, but I work with a few and have it on good authority that hard snow is really ... uh, shall we say terribly detrimental to snowboarding. A colleague sustained a concussion a few weeks back while snowboarding, after hitting hard crystallized snow and going for an impressive tumble.)

Where was I?

6. I have a nice office to sit in today, with a big window with lots of light. I have music on the iPhone, a child who is happily sharing a book with his friends at daycare, a bottle of filtered water and some chocolate right here at my fingertips. When I left this morning, my patient SO hadn't lost his mind from dealing with grumpy kid and grumpy wife. Really my little sphere of life and what's important in it is doing pretty awesome.

7. On my way to park, I got to see one of the farther off North Shore mountains brilliantly sillhouetted against the sky, covered in snow. Gorgeous! (although I suppose that might be where they are GETTING the snow, so soon enough the poor thing will be all bald. Hee.)

8. Man, that chocolate is good. Nothing like chocolate as a pick me up at 10am.

9. I have nothing terribly taxing to do today at work -- nothing onerous that I'm dreading, or nothing excruciatingly boring.

10. the cleaner is coming today, so when I get home, the house will be sparkling. Well, perhaps not sparkling, but it will look gorgeous.

11. I hired a doula! I don't think I mentioned this. I hired a team of doulas who -- get this -- combine a doula practice with an acupuncture practice, so they give you acupuncture in the weeks leading up to full term to ready your body for delivery, then they come to the delivery and provide support and acupressure, and then they have a follow up visit post-birth! All for the low-low price of .. I don't know, about $700, I think. BUT -- most of it will be covered by my health insurance because it's acupuncture! Yay! (Extended health does not, for obvious reasons, cover doula services, which was a small concern because MAN, they are NOT CHEAP. I mean, for the average 12 hour delivery, as well as pre- and post-delivery visits, I support $700 is not so bad, hourly wise. About $40 an hour. But when you're expecting, as I am, that your delivery might be as little as three hours, it's hard to imagine paying someone $100 an hour for the same service, especially when it's much easier to get through three hours than it is to get through 12. I imagine at a 12+ hour labour, those ladies EARN that money.)

12. It's almost the weekend, and we have nothing planned but lounging, relaxing, and watching the fire crackle merrily in the hearth. Bring it on.

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