Saturday, January 2, 2010

Yet another thing my kid won't experience

My kid is very fond of the Christmas special "How the Grinch Stole Christmas". We have it on video, and I've lost track of how many times we've watched it over the last two or three weeks. He especially seems to love the parts where the Grinch steals the toys and Christmas things from the Whos, commenting with gasps of horror each time, and reminding me that it's a good thing the Grinch didn't come to OUR house.

There's a particular scene where the Grinch takes candies and ice and food, and he also opens an old camera and takes the film. With each new theft, my child gasps. "He's taking the candy!" "He's taking the ice!" "He's taking the roast beast!"

And: "He's taking the RIBBON!"

We laughed, and explained that no, it was film, not ribbon, but we had no luck in convincing him. We had no frame of reference to explain it to him. We don't use film at all anymore. He's never experienced anything like it. He will grow up in a world without film, only ever knowing cameras where you can see each picture after seeing it.

What a concept.


erin said...

Wow. That is so weird to think about!!

Maroussia said...

It will be great to watch How The Grinch Stole Christmas, i have bought tickets from looking forward to it.