Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Limits of imagination

For the first time ever, The Boy has become attached to a lovey. Of sorts. Since birth we have peppered the child with soothers, blankies and assorted stuffed toys, and while he has greatly enjoyed some of them -- the Backyardigans toys, for one, and the stuffed turtles that Soja made -- he's never wanted them to sleep in his bed and accompany him places.

But this Christmas he was given a bizarrely shapen stuffed crab whom he has named Moon, and Moon must go everywhere. And be with him. And be in bed at night. He cuddles Moon. He talks to Moon. He loves Moon.

Moon went to daycare on Monday -- not for the first time. I tucked Moon into The Boy's cubby, and there he stayed all day. And unfortunately .... all night. I forgot him.

And dear LORD, the wailing that happened that night.

My child sobbed -- Sobbed! -- over Moon's absence. He wept copious tears. He hiccuped out that he needed Moon, and Moon needed him, and they had to be together, and he couldn't sleep without him. Moon would miss him! Moon needed him! Moon is his Best! Friend!

The drama went on.

In a desperate effort to change the subject to something happier, I told him that Moon would be having a Great! Time! there all by himself! He'd have his pick of all the toys! What would Moon play with if he could pick whatever he wanted to???!!

The sobbing ceased a tad, and then The Boy said, "Mommy." (honestly, Mommy.) "He's not REAL."

Colour me confused. Because Moon can need him, but Moon is not real enough to go out and play with the toys. Interesting how his little mind works. Moon is real, I guess, on an emotional level for him, but not a physical one. Which is a very interesting dichotomy.

We went back to daycare the next day and unearthed Moon from the cubby. I told The Boy I'd take Moon home, so as to be sure we'd remember him, but he was adamant that he stay. That afternoon, I had to search the place for Moon, who was eventually found buried under some pillows under the indoor climber, with a jaunty scarf tied about his neck. Clearly Moon had had a very interesting day.


wealhtheow said...

OMG have we ever had that EXACT CONVERSATION with SP. Several times. (SP is a serial monogamist with respect to comfort objects.) I am SO glad it isn't just my kid!

The ways kids' minds work is endlessly fascinating to me.

erin said...

Hee! Man, I love your kid. He is so awesome.

wealhtheow said...

Actual conversation from yesterday, just after we got off the bus:

[SP stops suddenly in the middle of the sidewalk. I wait for her to catch up. She doesn't. I turn around.]

Me: SP? What's up, dude?
SP: Mommy ... where's Birdie?
Me [rolling eyes inside]: Isn't she still on your shoulder?
SP: No! She's not there! [face crumples up] We must have left her on the bus!!
Me: Are you sure she's not ... I don't know ... around here somewhere, exploring the neighbourhood?
SP: No! She's not! She must be on the bus! Where else could she be?
Me: Um--
SP: How will I ever find her?!
Me: Um ...
[SP goes back towards the bus stop to look for Birdie. A few seconds later she's back, holding out one index finger for Birdie to perch on.]
SP: Mommy! Look! I found Birdie!
Me: Oh, good! Where was she?
SP [pointing]: She was up on the chimney of that house there, looking down at everything! [to finger] Now, you stay right there until we get home.

These kids, I tell ya...