Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sunday night

There's warm banana bread cooling near the gingerbread cupcakes, the house is clean (or what passes for clean around here), the laundry is cleaned, folded, and put away, the child is bathed and asleep, we are sated from a delicious dinner of chicken piccata over quinoa with broccoli on the side. With ginger cupcakes for dessert. There may not be many left for lunches this week.

Just another Sunday, not much to report.

Oh, we did have the exciting event of trying our self-cleaning oven this morning. For the first time since we moved in. Three and a half years ago.

And we learned something new: Don't let it go three and a half years between cleanings. It worked, but HOT DAMN did it ever smell bad in here for a while. The good news was that we got to turn off the heat for a while, because the oven heated the entire place for much of the day.

That is all.

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