Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year's Day

This morning began at 3:30am. My child was awake, furiously shrieking that his diaper had leaked. As I stumbled about looking for a replacement, I mumbled "Welcome to 2010" to myself.

He was up, up and awake and raring to go, and it was another 1.5 hours before he finally fell back to sleep; I lasted 1.25 of those hours before getting fed up and leaving him to his father. I went back to bed, and slept another two hours before being woken by my son's hysterical wailing -- he'd woken up, wanted me, and then when his father, very kindly, had tried to give me more time to sleep, he'd awoken the three year old beast. Once we finally quelled the tantrum, he climbed into bed with me, his father in the child's bed, and we all went back to sleep for another two hours.

Alas this was of course the only morning this week that we actually had to be somewhere -- my sister's, for 11am new year's family brunch. For which we were supposed to bring baking. We were, by some miracle, only half an hour late.

So it was hardly an auspicious beginning to the new year.

But we're home now, and the fire is going, and we're still enjoying the Christmas tree we plan to take down later this weekend. The Boy is still with the cousins, coming home later, and dinner is being prepared. Something yummy, to ring in the new year. So I'm going to scrap this morning's darkness and just pretend that this was the way we spent the whole day -- happy, playing, and relaxed.

Hope your first day of 2010 went as well as mine (kind of) did!

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