Saturday, January 2, 2010

Today's gluten-free baking

Today I made chocolate chocolate chip cookies. Big ones, although I hadn't meant them to be so -- they spread more than I anticipated. They are mostly sweet rice flour, with some teff, millet, and tapioca thrown in for good measure. Sorry, no picture, but while I was doing this I was also trying to clean out a bunch of kitchen cupboards and get some laundry done, so I am sitting on the couch EX-HOSS-TED. And letting the baby kick for a bit. Or at least hoping s/he will.

(We went out for dinner New Year's Eve and as I exited the restaurant I went *ss over teakettle down onto my side on a slippery patch of tile -- it was raining outside. This prompted some calls to the midwife, who calmly replied the usual -- make sure the baby is moving, call me if there's any blood or fluid that shouldn't be coming out of you. And then also, in her typical midwifery way, did note that were there an actual problem "there really isn't much that can be done." Which is not terribly comforting, but at least doesn't give one the idea that one can solve the problem by being paranoidly suspicious over every little thing, and in a strange way is more relaxing than trying to notice every single tiny thing.)

(So I'm resting, is all I meant to say. And feeling for baby kicks. Which are coming, by the way, despite the fact that this child seems to be much more docile that his / her brother.)

I'm so off topic.

Anyway, the cookies. Well, they have dairy in them, so The Man won't eat them. And The Boy has declared them "too sweet" which kills me, because I have the most amazing sweet tooth and every time he says something like this I want to ask him exactly whose child he is? (The Man's, who also doesn't like overly sweet things.) So now I have about two dozen gluten-free chocolate cookies to eat all by myself.

Don't feel sorry for me. I think I'm going to enjoy it.

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