Saturday, January 16, 2010

What a difference five months makes

Back at the end of August, we were invited to a birthday party for one of the kids from daycare. It was a fun party, but I spent most of the time chasing a child who really had no clue he should play with the other children, and was in fact so exhilarating for the child, that he ended up running away from me when I said it was time to go and then completely lost his mind at the end, causing me to haul him bodily from the party, kicking and screaming, wrestle him into his car seat, and drive home with a screaming child.

After that, I resolved NO MORE BIRTHDAY PARTIES.

I knew that this was a resolution that would not hold. No way, no how. But still, this Saturday we were invited to two parties and I declined one invite realizing that while my older child could cope with one party, two would likely result in a similar situation. And me being significantly bigger than last time, I didn't have the strength or will to wrestle a screaming child two blocks to a parked car.

We went over it, before we left: what would happen, what was expected. I reminded him of it over and over, and lo! he was angelic. Well, not angelic, per se, but played well and happily, enjoyed himself, ate pizza and cake, and when I said it was time to go expressed regret but got on his coat and left without a fuss.

I can see more birthday parties in our future. Thank heavens.

But the thing I think is key here is that not only has he grown up and realized there are social customs and expected behaviours, but that I'VE become better at this too -- communicating those expectations, taking time during the party to remind him, letting him know when we're leaving, and generally being more clear about things.

It's only taken almost four years, but I think I'm just starting to get a handle on this parenting thing.

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