Tuesday, January 12, 2010


1. Recent bedtimes have become a battleground. So much so that my child seems to transform from a lovely, reasonable, cooperative child (morning) to a demon (7pm). It sucks. We're trying some new things, but bedtime ... man, bedtime has been more or less of a problem for almost the last four years. Sigh.

2. I hope to heck this next kid sleeps a little better.

3. Every single day this week is forecast with rain. Welcome to January in Vancouver.

4. I made lentil soup again tonight. My beloved significant other is out; he hates the stuff. My child, on the other hand, ate more than I did. Three bowls! I love it.

5. My child informed me that his friend from daycare was coming for a sleep-over, which was corroborated by the friend. I have no idea where the idea of a sleep-over came from; I didn't bring it up. I mean, three is a little young, isn't it?

6. My Christmas decorations have been down for weeks, but the cards are still up. Which makes sense, I haven't even sent my cards, which sit written and just waiting to be addressed on my sideboard. Sigh.

7. Despite reassurances that the baby would move upwards, it still sits on my bladder and tickles me below my pants line. Feels like it might fall out at any time. I hear that this too is common in second pregnancies.

8. I have been trying to knit a scarf with the bison wool for all the weeks since Christmas. I can't, for the life of me, knit lace. And the pattern I'm using is SUPER easy lace. But, oh, no, it's just constant screw up, and I can't seem to pick out just until I get to the mistake. So I've given up ... for now. And moved on to ...

9. Moebius knitting. With the green that came for Christmas. The only circular I had worked but really was too short, which resulted in a little moebius I couldn't get over my head (I had at first intended it for a scarf; I think figured it might work as a headband. Turns out: neither.) So I got a new one today. Will be casting on post-bedtime. If I ever get there: see point 1. So far, despite the difficulty of the cast on and first few rounds, I love the process -- it's my type of nice, relaxing, effortless knitting, but transforms into something pretty! Whee!

10. I wish I knew how to knit and read at the same time. Combining my two passions would make life ideal. But I end up reading on the computer, or watching a show instead, because I can't handle a book and knitting needles. I did find some books on tape -- or rather, recordings -- online. But most were old classics -- great, but limited. And I can't concentrate on them as well as the written word.

11. It's kind of sad that I really do like the music from Toy Story 2. Although that might just be because I've listened to it SO MANY DAMN TIMES. My kid has a real Buzz Lightyear fetish.

12. 24 weeks. Still pregnant. Not much else to say, other than I feel very lucky. And grateful. Grant me another 10 weeks (preferably 13), and I'll be all set.

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